We understand logistics: The Pinnacle Restaurant is located on the 8,800’ summit of Andesite mountain at Big Sky Ski Resort, which has since renamed the restuarant
Everett’s 8800.
The schedule was
constrained by the conclusion and subsequent start of the ski season and associated winter conditions. We coordinated snow removal beginning the day after the ski season ended, and used snow cats to tow the first delivery of logs for stacking the structure two weeks later. The logistical challenges for labor and material on this remote project was further exacerbated by the utility work required. The water utility was one mile away. A septic system to satisfy the demands of a high volume of patrons and a commercial kitchen was required. Locating 30 years of often-undocumented existing infrastructure on the mountains’ summit was exciting and critical to the successful execution of our own work.
Despite the many challenges involved with building on a mountain summit in Montana, we successfully delivered this project on budget and on time within our seven-month schedule.
“Bryan has demonstrated his strong organizational and managerial skills overseeing large and small construction projects in a difficult natural environment.”