WThis new 11,000 SF fire station is a dramatic improvement over the two barns the firefighters previously used. The “live-in” station includes eight individual living quarters, which has provided the department with the unique ability to offer housing to their volunteers in return for their service.
This project used the competitive, lowest-responsible-bid delivery method for contracting, which resulted in excellent value to the client. In addition, through
careful planning and vigilant management, notable savings were achieved. The deliverable value of these savings were realized near the end of the project, we were able to present
the client with the opportunity to use their remaining project contingency funds to incorporate a few substantial elements to their facility as well as return unused funds to the
Work on this project presented a few logistical challenges that required careful and unique planning, as well. The work had to be planned and coordinated to keep the fire station fully operational during construction. This required a phasing plan that enabled their firefighting equipment to remain in conditioned space during the winter months, and then transition to the new facility, while always maintaining their normal instant-response state of readiness for their life-safety operation.
We pride ourselves in ensuring the clients’ best interests are being managed. On occasion, this takes the form of holding team members accountable for improving some
aspect of their work, and negotiating differences of opinion in a fashion that results in a positive outcome — for ownership, the team, and the project — is
priceless. This was a successful project by any measure, and truly demonstrated what can be accomplished when the entire design, contracting, and ownership team work together in a
highly orchestrated fashion.
“You know, I really value your comment about the project being a success by any measure. I figure you’ve seen enough of these to recognize that milestone — and I want to say, from my observation, how you were able to communicate with the design/build crew means this success was in large part because of your abilities.”