notably complex, highly visible public project in Livingston, Montana, the Park High School expansion and renovation integrated numerous challenges of commercial construction,
including extensive site work, over 100,000 SF of renovation, new construction, coordination with occupied spaces, phased scheduling, schedule-critical milestones, and strict
budget compliance.
As an
exceptionally visible, emotionally-charged public project, the design phase involved a dynamic schedule of activity including numerous faculty and trustee meetings to understand
project core values, testing budgets, revealing concepts for review and comment, proposing options, advising on decisions, and refining details. Upon completing the design and
obtaining bids that successfully captured the project well under budget, Phase 1 construction activities began the instant classes were concluded for the semester on June 10, 2011.
In a short 11 weeks, 22 classrooms representing over 30,000 SF of renovated space were completed and returned to the school for their use at the start of the fall semester. Coordinated progress continued with successive phases throughout the school year.
"He has made himself available for weekly construction meetings, monthly Board of Education meetings as well as other special meetings or events. Bryan has been very quick to respond to our Board of Trustee's needs and desires. He has been able to keep our project on or ahead of schedule and has managed the construction team well with positive results. Bryan is an excellent problem solver with a great skill of seeking win/win solutions. Due to his extra efforts, he has been able to find the best price for our renovation efforts. This has allowed us to have additional funding to complete items which were not in the original project."